Iran Khodro Axle Manufacturers Industrial Company was established in 1964 at the Companies and Industrial Property Registration Office in Tehran and began its activities in 1966.
Since the company’s initial articles of association defined its main activity as the production and assembly of buses and minibuses, the company was initially registered as “Iranian Bus Manufacturers Factories Consortium Joint Stock Company” and engaged in the production of buses and minibuses. After the revolution, it changed its name to “Automobile Manufacturers” Company. In 1990, due to the purchase of a major share of this company by Iran Khodro Investment Expansion Company, it changed its name to “Iran Khodro Axle Manufacturers Industrial Company” and became one of the subsidiaries of Iran Khodro Industrial Group.
In 1994, Iran Automobile Axle Manufacturing Industrial Company changed its mission and, by transferring the minibus production lines to Zamiyad Company, switched to producing Paykan axles. In the following years, the production of various types of axles (axles) for light vehicles and gears was on its agenda, as described below.
The company is composed of engineering affairs, technical services, commercial affairs, quality control, organization and systems engineering, human resources, public relations, security, finance, and planning units.
This company has been active on the stock market since 1993 and has received quality certificates for the production of its products, including ISO/TS 16949, ISO14000, ISO 9001, and more.
The company’s products include:
Arisan axlePeugeot 405 axlePeugeot 206 axlePeugeot Pars axleSamand axleCross H306. Axle
Crankshaft and pinionAll kinds of car partsAll kinds of gears